Acrylics have a new future. One that’s better for the planet. Meet Liquitex Bio-Based Heavy Acrylic and Mediums, the world’s first pro-grade bio-based fine art range. With formulas containing an average 50% bio-based ingredients, in a 100% recycled pot and recyclable packaging, 40 colors and 4 mediums, giving you the same value as our other pro-ranges, what’s not to like? Experience what it means to paint without compromise.
It’s a formula based on materials derived from renewable, biological sources, instead of from fossil fuels and other non-renewable substances. These renewals come from living or once-living organisms like corn, soy, sugarcane and algae and can be regrown or replenished relatively quickly through natural or farming processes.
Bio-based products positively impact climate change in all sorts of ways – from giving an alternative to petroleum-based products to reducing carbon footprint and supporting biodiversity.
Watch Johny, our Liquitex Research & Development Chemist, explain more.

• 40 thick consistency colors
• Average 50% bio-based formulation
• 100% recycled pot and recyclable packaging
• Lightfast and archival
• High pigment load
• 100% compatibility with other acrylics and mediums
• Two sizes - 2.5 US fl oz and 16.9 US fl oz
• Same value per oz as Liquitex Heavy Body
• Two sets – Mixing Set and Explore Set - each with four 2.5 US fl oz

- Average 50% bio-based formulation
- 100% recycled pot and recyclable packaging
- Lightfast and archival
- 100% compatibility with other acrylics and mediums
- Two sizes - 8.5 US fl oz and 16.9 US fl oz
- Same value per oz as Liquitex Professional Mediums

Have you ever tried opening and washing out a tube? Our Bio-Based pot gives you easy access to all the paint and the ability to clean it fully - ready to reuse or recycle.
As well as being fully recyclable, the pot is made of RPET (recycled polyethylene terephthalate) material upcycled from post-industrial waste – you may notice the pots have a greenish tint. The cap is virgin plastic and we are actively sourcing an option using recycled materials. Recycle or give it a second life. It’s handy for storing your own color mixes and much, much more.
Hear why resident artist Eileen Ferara loves our Bio-Based Heavy Acrylics:
What’s changed? Typically, acrylic paints and mediums have a resin base made from 100% petrol-based acrylic. Liquitex Bio-Based has halved this, replacing ingredients with ones from renewable, biological sources. As well as the resin, every other ingredient that has a bio-based alternative has been replaced and we’ve avoided any components or pigments derived from animals.
Why not 100%? Getting to 100% bio-based isn’t technically possible right now for an acrylic. With the ingredients currently available, an average of 50% is the highest achievable composition for acrylics that are lightfast, archival and pro-quality - on par with our professional acrylic ranges. But we’re not stopping here. As more renewable options become available, we’ll push further.

Join us on our journey to make the planet a better place. As a Certified B Corporation,™ we believe in the power of creative expression to create a world where all can thrive. A world that gives back more than it takes. Liquitex Bio-Based is a simple step you can make towards a more positive future.
Click here for more FAQ's
What are the differences between Liquitex Heavy Body Acrylics?
Bio-Based Heavy Acrylics are not meant to be a like for like substitute for Heavy Body Acrylics. There are differences in sheen with some colors of Bio-Based Heavy Acrylics which are more matte, namely Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Umber and Chromium Oxide Green.
What are you doing to increase the bio-based content further?
We are continuously monitoring supplier developments while working to increase the bio-based content further without sacrificing high quality attributes.
What is the bio-based content of Liquitex Heavy Body Acrylics?
Select colors were tested via a C14 analysis which showed the percentage of bio-based content for Liquitex Heavy Body was between 1 – 3 %, further highlighting the considerable impact of the new Liquitex Bio-Based Heavy Acrylics.
How did you measure the bio-based percentage?
Every color and medium was measured through a C14 analysis from the ASTM D6866-16 American standard, which is a scientific way to verify the formulation composition. The percentage of bio-based content is calculated based on the ratio of C14 to the total carbon in the sample. This tells us what proportion of the material comes from recent biological sources (like plants) versus ancient biological sources (like petroleum). The tests for each sku will be available to consumers on the Liquitex website.
Will the paint yellow over time?
The products were tested vs. current professional acrylics on the market and behaved the same way. Clear paints like mediums can yellow after long exposure to extreme high temperatures (120 degrees Fahrenheit/50 degrees Celsius for 2-3 months) whether the dried paint film or in the pot. As with any acrylic, artwork should be stored under gallery conditions.
Can this range be used with other acrylic & mediums whether from Liquitex or other brands?
Yes, from a chemical perspective, the product is an acrylic and therefore is compatible with other acrylics & mediums.
How do you know the colors are lightfast & archival?
We tested the colors in a Q-sun machine for 300 hours which is the equivalent of 100 years in gallery conditions. The machine puts the paint through very extreme conditions to understand how each item behaves. The lightfastness ratings were given for each color as a result of this testing. Note that Iridescent colors are not rated for lightfastness by ASTM and therefore do not have a lightfastness rating. However, we did measure the iridescent pigments and they are in fact lightfast, they are just not rated by ASTM.
Is the tinting strength of Bio-Based Heavy Acrylics the same as Heavy Body Acrylics?
Yes, a high pigment load was prioritized in development to ensure professional quality. Therefore, the tinting strength is comparable to Heavy Body Acrylics.
What are the primary colors?
Phthalocyanine Blue (Green Shade), Quinacridone Crimson, Yellow Medium Azo. The three primary colors are transparent colors to have the cleanest and brightest color mixes.
Is the shelf life affected because it’s eco-friendly?
No, there is no effect on shelf life. The shelf life is the same as other Liquitex products on the market today: 5 – 7 years provided the materials are stored properly at room temperature, kept tightly capped and kept free of contaminants.
Are there animal ingredients used in the range?
No, we intentionally developed the range to not have any components or pigments derived from animals. Because of this, Ivory Black is not part of the range while Lamp Black is being introduced.
The word bio-based may be confused with being bio-degradable. Is the paint bio-degradable?
No, bio-degradable is something different. Once the paint is dried on the canvas, the paint will not bio-degrade.